Ready to inspire?
Feature Your Style on How I Wear It! would like to feature your photos showcasing your style! Simple, bold, problem-solving or downright clever wardrobe ideas are welcome.
It’s easy to be featured on website and social media! Just email your photo(s) to: or submit through Facebook via How I Wear It’s inbox.
For a Feature in the How I Wear It (HIWI) Galleries:
- Submit photos with contact or social media info. for photo credit
- Your images will be added to relevant galleries
For a Contributor Corner Feature + HIWI Galleries: Include the following:
- Wardrobe challenges
- Wardrobe solutions or suggestions
- Business or hobby fun facts
- Contact or social media info. for photo credit
- Your images will be added to relevant galleries + you will receive a link to your Contributor Corner Feature!
Legal mumbo jumbo: By submitting your photo(s) to How I Wear It you certify that you’ve read our disclosure, terms, and conditions here prior to submission.
Thank you for contributing and inspiring others on how to wear just about anything!
xoxo LP Share <3